Swimming kit

Some of the essentials (and not so essentials!) you’ll need for swimming outdoors are:

  • A swimsuit / swim shorts / trunks

  • A towel

  • A tow float - some people wouldn’t consider this essential but for us it’s an absolute must for visibility - helping to make you a bit more visible to boats, jet skis and other swimmers and water users - and if you get one with a dry bag included, you can store your car keys and phone in it

  • Neoprene socks - we would tend to wear these even in summer as they give your feet a bit of protection and in Winter are a must as your extremities get cold very quickly

  • A changing robe - as the name suggests, these are great for getting changed under, as well as for helping you warm up quickly after your swim

  • A swimming cap - for more serious swimmers, these help with aerodynamics but we use them for visibility in the water - a bright coloured one is ideal.

  • A woolly hat - we have a hat in our swimming bag all year round. In summer, we wear them after a swim to help us heat up and in colder weather we also wear them during a swim! You lose heat quickly through your head so we consider hats essential

  • A flask with a hot drink - another way to help you heat up quickly even in Summer

  • A snack

  • A wetsuit - some people swim all year round without one but we wouldn’t be without ours in Winter to help us enjoy the water for as long as possible

  • Clean, dry, warm clothes - that are easy to put on after your swim…layers are best as is anything that requires minimal effort with cold hands!

  • Warm socks and gloves - even in Summer these are in our swimming bags

  • Changing mat - although not essential, a changing mat helps stop you getting muddy if you’re swimming in more remote areas and protects your feet and wetsuit…there are also many available that double as a bag.